Myths Vs Facts

Suicidal thoughts and how to talk about them can be confusing. 让我们来澄清一些关于自杀的常见误解.

Myth: Only certain types of people have suicidal thoughts. Open
误解:那些说自己有自杀念头的人只是在寻求关注. Open
误解:自残的人总是有自杀的意图. Open
误解:所有抑郁的人都有自杀倾向,所有企图自杀的人都有抑郁症. Open
误解:处于抑郁最低谷、最黑暗的人最有可能试图自杀. Open
Myth: All people who attempted suicide truly wanted to die. Open
误解:谈论自杀或询问某人是否有自杀的想法会鼓励他们尝试自杀. Open
Myth: Substance use is unrelated to suicidal ideation. Open
误解:如果你知道有人试图自杀或死于自杀, you are less likely to attempt suicide yourself. Open
误解:谈论自杀的人实际上不会自杀. Open
Myth: Suicide attempts always happen without warning. Open
误解:如果一个人试图自杀而活了下来,他就不会再尝试了. Open
误解:预防自杀是不可能的——一旦有人下定决心, it’s already too late. Open
误解:人们只有在有多余时间的时候才会照顾自己. Open