
天主教的知识传统是一个丰富而多方面的故事.  It is a 2000-year dialogue between faith and culture as early Christians tried to articulate what it meant to be a distinctive faith community.  The tradition includes the evolution of Church institutions that were centers of education and learning, from monasteries to cathedral schools for clergy (600-1000) and 然后 to universities (1000-1300).  The tradition overall points to a vast repository of theological thought; philosophizing; devotional practices; works of literature, 视觉艺术, 音乐, and drama; styles of architecture; legal reasoning; social and political theorizing; and other forms of cultural expression that have emerged in vastly different parts of the world in the course of 2,有一千年的基督教经验.  更重要的是, it is a living tradition which draws from the riches of the past to give life to the future. 

The Catholic intellectual tradition is based on two fundamental principles: first, that the search for truth in all aspects of life extends to the ultimate search for truth that animates faith; and, 第二个, 这种信念是探究的催化剂, as faith seeks to understand itself and its relationship to every dimension of life.


  • 相信信仰和理性是相互启发的, 他们在寻求真理的过程中团结一致.
  • A sacramental vision of reality that holds that each discipline offers the potential to reveal something of the sacred.  Grace—God’s loving self-gift to the world in Christ—underlies all of reality.
  • 对学科之间的知识整合充满希望的承诺, combined with an appreciation for the integrity and autonomy of individual academic disciplines.
  • A resistance to reductionism and an openness to analogical imagination—a disposition to see things in terms of “both/and” rather than “either/or.”
  • An understanding that confidence in reason’s ability to grasp the meaning and purpose of the universe must be tempered by an awareness of the mystery of God as radically Other than God’s creation.
  • 一种对进化中未完成的造物所固有的神秘的开放.
  • An awareness that confidence in reason must also be tempered by the recognition that sin can deform reason’s unbiased quest for truth.
  • A reverence for the dignity of each human being as one created in the image of God.  Hence, a commitment to justice, to the solidarity of the human family, and to the common good.

A university illuminated by the Catholic intellectual tradition is a place of shared, 变革, 知识分子的生活——一个教会, 总是承认还有更多的东西需要学习, 是否获得了持续的奖学金, and where the wisdom developed over centuries within the Catholic tradition permeates a university’s core values, 课程, 寻找真理.  真正的天主教大学, 然后, 是一个教师社区吗, 澳门博彩官网下载, 学生, and administrators sharing an intellectual journey and conversation in the pursuit of truth.  (摘自《澳门博彩官网下载》:波士顿学院,2010年.)


The phrase “Catholic Social Teaching” refers to major themes addressed in church documents from the late 19th century on.  It is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society.

  • 人的生命和尊严: The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.
  • 呼吁家庭、社区和参与: 人们有参与社会的权利和义务, 共同谋求所有人的共同利益和福祉, 尤其是穷人和弱势群体.
  • 权利与责任: Every person has a fundamental right to life and to those things required for human decency; with reciprocal duties to one another, 致我们的家庭, 更大的社会.
  • 穷人和弱势群体的选择: 在一个因贫富分化加深而受损的世界里, 穷人和弱势群体的需求必须放在首位.
  • 工作的尊严和工人的权利: 经济必须为人民服务,而不是反过来.  The basic rights of workers must be respected--the right to 富有成效的 work, 为了体面和公平的工资, 组织和加入工会, 私有财产, 以及经济首创精神.
  • 团结: We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences.  At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace.
  • 关心神的创造: 我们通过管理受造界来表示对造物主的尊重.

(节选自第. 美国天主教主教会议第5-315号. 华盛顿特区.C.版权所有2005.) 

在他2014年关于仁慈的书中, 红衣主教沃尔特·卡斯珀强调了教皇本笃十六世的一份文件, 真理中的爱德(Caritatis in Veritate), 这就解释了爱是锚定上述主题的原则, because the human vocation lies in our active response to God’s calling us into being through relationships with others.  在这种情况下, Catholic Social Teaching is simply a systematic expression of the faith ethics exemplified by the first Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Their encounter with God in ministering to the sick and the poor displays the heartfelt response to suffering people in our world today that UIW expects of its employees and graduates.


真正的博雅教育是培养我们负责任的生活, 富有成效的, 以及在瞬息万变的世界中创造生活. 这是一种培养有充分基础的智力弹性的教育, 终身学习的倾向, and an acceptance of responsibility for the 道德 consequences of our ideas and actions. Liberal education requires that we understand the foundations of knowledge and inquiry about nature, culture and society; that we master core skills of perception, 分析, and expression; that we cultivate a respect for truth; that we recognize the importance of historical and cultural context; and that we explore connections among formal learning, 公民身份, 为我们的社区服务.

We experience the benefits of liberal learning by pursuing intellectual work that is honest, 具有挑战性的, 和重要的, 让我们自己做好准备,以负责任的方式使用知识和力量. 博雅学习并不局限于特定的研究领域. 在博雅教育中重要的是实质性的内容, 严谨的方法和与社会的积极参与, 道德, 以及我们学习的实际意义. The spirit and value of liberal learning are equally relevant to all forms of higher education and to all 学生.

Because liberal learning aims to free us from the constraints of ignorance, 宗派主义, 和近视, 它鼓励好奇心,并寻求扩大人类知识的边界. 因此,就其本质而言,博雅学习是全球性和多元化的. It embraces the diversity of ideas and experiences that characterize the social, 自然, 智力世界. To acknowledge such diversity in all its forms is both an intellectual commitment and a social responsibility, for nothing less will equip us to understand our world and to pursue fruitful lives.

思考的能力, 学习, 严谨而有创意地表达自己, 在上下文中理解思想和问题的能力, 生活在社会中的承诺, 对真理的渴望是人类的基本特征. 以这些品质为中心的教育, 自由学习是社会对我们共同未来的最佳投资. (Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association of American Colleges & 大学,1998年10月.)
